{{ appTitle }}

z1: Starting of compressible layer measured from ground surface
z2: Ending of compressible layer measured from ground surface
Df: Foundation depth
B: Foundation width
L: Foundation length
q: Stress due to foundation loads
Clay Type: Behavior of compressible layer under loading
mv: Coefficient of compressibility
Cv: Coefficient of consolidation
t: Consolidation time
Drainage Type Parameter for drainage path

Stress increase (qz) at midpoint of compressible layer due to foundation load (q) is calculated by 2/1 method as follows:
qz = (q x B x L) / [(B + z) x (L + z)]
qz = {{temelAltiGerilmesi | round:2}} x {{tg | round:2}} x {{tl | round:2}} / [({{tg | round:2}} + {{ortaDerinlik | round:2}}) x ({{tl | round:2}} + {{ortaDerinlik | round:2}})]
qz = {{stresArtisi | round:2}} kPa

Compressible layer thickness considering foundation depth (Df) is calculated as H = {{sikisabilirTabakaKalinligi | round:2}} m. So;
soed = H x mv x qz = {{sikisabilirTabakaKalinligi | round:2}} x {{mv | round:2}} x 10-5 x {{stresArtisi | round:2}}
soed = {{soed | round:3}} m = {{soedCM | round:1}} cm

Skemton ve Bjerrum correction factor for {{ kilTipiismi }} is selected as {{sbcf | round:2}} and consolidation settlement is calculated as;
s = μ x soed
s= {{sbcf | round:2}} x {{soedCM | round:1}} = {{s | round:2}} cm

In order to calculate the consolidation settlement in {{t | round:0}} months, Tv parameter should be calculated first.
Since drainage path is {{drenajTipiismi}}, Hdr = {{sikisabilirTabakaKalinligi}} / {{drenajTipi}} = {{drenajYolu}} m
Tv = cv x t / Hdr2
Tv = ({{cv}} x 10-8) x ({{t | round:0}} x 30 x 24 x 60 x 60) / {{drenajYolu}}2
Tv = {{tv | round:5}}

After calculating Tv parameter, U (%) can be calculated as follows:
0   ≤ U(%) ≤ 60   → U(%) = 100 x (4 x Tv / π)0.5
60 < U(%) ≤ 100 → U(%) = 100- 10(1.781-Tv)/0.933
U(%) = {{u | round:2}}

Finally, results are calculated and tabulated as follows:
Total (cm) Time (month) Completed (cm) Remaining (cm)
{{s | round:2}} {{t | round:0}} {{sBiten | round:2}} {{sKalan | round:2}}